What if the firmware update failed?

On firmware version before 0.78.8, there is a tiny chance that the update will fail upon power failure or manual reboot. Then the scrolling "VOBOT CLOCK" will never disappear. In this case, please contact our customer service for a replacement.

On firmware version 0.78.8 and further updates, the system will recover automatically upon update failure (still, very little chance). Just leave the Vobot in the same Wi-Fi network as usual. In this case, however, all the settings will be restored to factory default, except the Wi-Fi and Amazon Alexa authorisation.

If the IP subnet range of your home Wi-Fi network is 192.168.1.*, the recovery of Vobot might get stuck on displaying "Connecting to Wi-Fi: xxxx". You can try::
- Temporally change the LAN IP range on the router settings, to another subnet, such as:;
- Bring Vobot outside, then use your smart phone to create a personal hotspot (the name / ssid & password must be the same as the Wi-Fi network in your house).